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Why I Started Writing

by | Sep 17, 2021 | writing

I’ve always loved writing. As a kid I would writing my own Choose Your Own Adventure Books. But I never ever dreamed of actually BECOMING a writer. Of actually PUBLISHING a book.

The reason I wrote my first book was because my son who has autism asked me what was wrong with him. He was 5. He wanted to know why he didn’t have friends and why he didn’t get invited to birthday parties.

Instead of telling him that he had autism and that is what made life so frustrating, I decided to spin it. To help him see his world from a more optimistic view.

I told him he had Superpowers.

First I told him he had Supersonic Hearing. I explained when all the rest of us seemed just fine, but things were WAY too loud for him, that it was because his brain was making his ears hear things louder.

Guess what? He was SO excited and asked me what other superpowers he had. So I started making them up on the spot. I then decided to write a book for him to explain it all and to add ‘Helpful Hints for Friends’ for his brother and sister and friends so they would know ways to help him when his superpowers spiraled out of control.

I actually illustrated the first version of the book myself. It was decent for pictionary. Ha! Several years later I pursued traditional publishing but agents told me my books were too niche and they would never sell. So I hired my own illustrator and editor and started my own publishing company. And in October 2018 I self-published my very first book.


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